
Thursday, 13 December 2012

Be A Buddy And Not A bully.

Be A Buddy Not A Bully from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.

Always remember to be a buddy and not a bully because if you be a bully people wouldn't believe you and will never like you. 

Tagging Is Bad

Tagging is Bad from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.

If you tag you might get in service trouble so remember to make the rights choices.

Energy Brochure

This Is a Brochure about Energy.

Statistical Investigation

This is a Google Presentation of my statistical investigation I did with my buddy Leigh-Amber.
We did a statistical investigation about Room 7’s Favourtive Fast Food.
We followed a statistical process to help us complete our investigation successfully.

Friday, 16 November 2012

The Journey Of Electricity.

WALT-write an explanation about electricity.
WHAT-title(Question)-opening statement,2-3 paragraph and labels diagrams.     

How does electricity travel around the world.     

Have you ever wonder how electricity travels around the world?Well the reason why we need to use electricity is because it can help us survive and can help us live.If we don’t have any electricity we wouldn't be able to do all the fun things and do much for example you wouldn't be able to cook on the oven,play games on the internet,can’t watch t.v to see what is happening around the world and won't be able to microwave food to eat.

Did you know that electricity is a type of power that can make thing work and did you know that there are many types of energy.Electricity can help many people survive by keeping safe and can help them stay strong and healthy.Electricity is also a form of power that can make things turn on such as your television,heaters,ovens,phone  and so on.

As strange as it may seem how does electricity travel through plugs?

First the electricity starts to  travel to the power stations.Most of the electricity people mostly use comes from the power station.After the electricity travels to the power station it then travels to the generator.Inside the power station is a device called a generator.The generator is a energy source like wind,water and coal that turns blades of a turbine inside the generator,which spins a magnet.

Then it will travel through the power lines.The power lines are tall towers that can carry electricity and electricity comes from the power plant to the substation.Then it travels to the substation.The substation is where the transformers reduce voltage (strength).It will then carry it to the distribution lines.

The distribution lines carries the electricity to homes.
Finally it goes to the homes.The best for last is homes.The homes and buildings where we use it for lights appliances and equipment.

This is a explanation about how Electricity ravels around the world.


Here is a wordle that relates to Statistics.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

T.P.S Athletics Day 2012.

Press play to watch a movie about our Athletics Day.

T.P.S NEWS- Athletics Day from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.

Rewinding Back To June 2012

In Term 2 our school's inquiry topic was about 'Magic Movies'. Here is a trailer of our movies we made throughout Term 2. 

Room 7 Movie Tralier from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.

Manaiakalani Filim Festival 2012-School Is Cool.

In Term 2 we were learning a lot about movie magic, and how movies can influence our world. We created many movies. We started by brainstorming key messages we could include in our movies. 

We also made a movie that explains how to plant kumara. It was really fun to do. We created this movie to inspire people to learn how to grow their own kumara.

Our movie for The Manaiakalani Film Festival is called 'School Is Cool'. We made it to share all of the cool learning and fun that we have at school.

Our movie was also shown at the Tamaki Primary Academy Awards. We created a PMI about Movie Magic and shared what we liked, what was challenging and interesting.

School is Cool from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Room 7's Favourite Fruit

This column graph shows Room 7's favourite fruit.Four students like apples.This column graph shows that the same amount of students like bananas,peach and oranges.The majority of students like strawberries where as no one likes pears.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Room 7-Planting Kumara.

In week 3 Room 7 planted kumara in our school kai garden. We would like to say a special thank you to Koro for helping us.

Press play to watch how we planted kumara. This clip was put together by Willy and Danisha.

Room 7 Planting Kumara from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.

Friday, 19 October 2012

My Video Log about Energy.

This is my video log about energy. I talk about what I know about energy and what I am wondering.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Topic Reflection

Topic Reflection

Energy –The Balance of Life

What is energy?

Energy is a type of a strong power where there is the Solar energy,Gas light and the muscular energy.

Where do humans get energy from?

Humans can get there get energy from our plants,healthy food and by exercising.

1. What substance does a tree use for food?(highlight your answer in yellow)
a. photosynthesis                                                       b. chlorophyll

c. glucose                                                                   d. leaves

2. What four things does a tree need for photosynthesis? (highlight your answer in yellow)
a)_________Water _______________
b)________Light Energy ________________
c)___________Sunlight _____________

3. What causes a tree's leaves to appear green?
The tree that causes a tree to appear green is Chlorophyll.

4. What signals a tree to preparing for winter?(highlight your answer in yellow)

a. The days become colder.
b. The weather becomes dry.
c. There are more rainy days.
d. There are fewer hours of sunlight.

5. How does a tree get water?(highlight your answer in yellow)

a. It makes water in its leaves.
b. It turns glucose into water.
c. It absorbs water through its roots.
d. It uses photosynthesis.

6. Why do a tree's leaves change color in the fall? (highlight your answer in yellow)

a. The tree has less chlorophyll.
b. The tree has less water.
c. The tree has no leaves.
d. The tree is growing quickly before the winter sets in.

What is compost?
Compost is a place where worms lives and where people can throw their food scraps and  left overs.

What are the things that you cannot put in a compost bin?
List 5 things that you can put in a compost bin.

  • Apple
  • Left overs
  • Banana skin
  • Pear
  • Carrot

This term you have completed a group project about the roles, rights and responsibilities of how people maintain sustainable food sources.
Draw a flow chart that represents the responsibility that people have to maintain the food source your group researched this term.

Sustainability group topic (e.g pork farming):Planting Around The World.

Draw and label a picture that represents a healthy kai garden.


  • What have you learnt about this topic?
  • What did you like about this topic?
  • What is your role in practicing sustainability for a balanced future - at home, at school, in my community?

This term I have learnt how to grow plants and ‘what you need to plant  something.I also learnt that you can get energy by eating the right amount of the healthy food sources so you can stay strong and fit.

What I really liked about this topic is that how I learned lots and lots of new thing like growing plants and making a compost and beaning sustainable.I also loved beaning with my teacher and contributed well with everyone in the school.

At school I can be sustainable by beaning around with my friends and teachers.To be sustainable at home I need to be clean and green and to also be positive at all times.My role in the community to be sustainable and to be tidy and also try to recycle everyone and to reuse everything.

Community Celebration.

Whanau Day from Tamaki Primary on Vimeo.

On Wednesday 26th 2012 it was the Whanau Day were it was the day we had to bless our lovely Kai garden. 

Friday, 14 September 2012

Monday, 27 August 2012

Friday, 17 August 2012

Tsunami At The Market

WALT- write a narrative story using the T.O.P.S structure.

Every Sunday morning three young girls named   Hannah,Emma and Cleo would get dressed in their very  best outfits to get ready to go down to the village market to sell their fruit.They were selling their fruit because they wanted to help out their lovely father so they can get enough money to keep their farm.

When they got to the  market it was full of busy people selling other food and products.All three girls were very surprised that the market was full because its not normally busy on Sundays.There must be special event happening at the market today they all thought.

They looked everywhere but they couldn’t find space to sell their fruit. While they searched everywhere Hannah  whispered“Hey i’ve a lovely space for us to sell our fruit!”So off they went Emma then got all the fruit out of the basket and Cloe and Hannah will lay it gently lay it out in the table.After they finish setting up their fruit  they start selling their fruit.Not much people came by and to sell their delicious fruit.

While they were trying to sell their delicious fruit suddenly something was shaking Emma,Cleo and Hannah did not feel anything it was a miracle.Everyone whispered to each other was sacredness”This might be an earthquake?”they all said to each.But Emma,Cleo and Hannah was still busy trying to sell their delicious fruits so they can get more and more money.

Then it got worser and worser because suddenly this huge huge wave was rushing its way towards the busy local market.Everyone then looked back they were shocked with tears.They all dropped everything and started to find a good space to survive.

Emma,Cleo and Hannah was still trying to sell their fruits and wondering why everyone was screaming and calling for help.Then this lovely man named Daniel shouted “Look behind you!”When the three young girls looked back they all started screaming.They all started to run faster and faster just like a cheater.

Cleo then grabbed some of their delicious fruits and started running.As they were trying to run fast at the same time the big big hunrgy wave was trying to get closer and closer.While the mean hugest wave was coming closer and started to swap every in the local market.All of the delicious friuts and prouducts was wiped away form the ulgy mean Tsunami.Then Emma shouted as loud as she could and said”EVERYONE RUN TO THE MOUNTAIN!!!”
so off they went everyone was trying to make it up there but unfortunately not all people made it.Everyone was crying and calling help help but unfortunately the big blue nasty Tsunami was so hungry it then started to gobbled everyone away.Luckily all three girls made it and some of the people. that was selling their fruit.Then suddenly it disappeared back in the ocean.Everyone that made it  was so glad and that they made it .Then they all walked down the mountain.When all three girls went to the poor smelly market it everything was all yucky.All of the fruits was rotten and wet.Then all the people including Emma,Cleo and Hannah then walked back to their fram.

While they were walking back home all sweaty and and wet  Hannah then told Cleo and Emma to stop.Emma and Cleo said “Why?” then Hannah replied “Because I’ve found some fruit seeds”.So then Hannah picked it up and all three girls ran home and started to plant it at the backyard.

A week later it started to grow bigger and bigger.The next day was a sunday so then all three girls then got dressed in their normal outfits and started to walk down to the local market.When they got there everything was all clean and sparkly.They were all shocked with suprised ment because they all thought that the local market will still be all smelly,yucky,watery but suddenly it was all sparkle like the snow falling towards the ground.After they looked around the sparkling market all three girls then found them this lovely spot where they could sell their delicious fruit.

While they were getting everything sorted they heard voices went all three girls looked back they saw everyone coming to the market to buy there everyone one started coming and selling their fruits and products and also buying Emma,Cole and Hannah’s delicious fruit.

All three girls got lots and lots of money everyone was rich and happy again.Later on that Sunday it got darker and darker so then everyone then packed all of the fruit that was left over and started to head home.When all three girls went home they counted how much money they got.All three girls got about 1,000 dollars they were over the moon.When their lovely father came back home all three girls told their lovely father how much money they got.Their father was so pleased and happy of their three lovely young daughter.The next day they all decided to buy a new house and to send it on special events.Later on Emma,Cleo,Hannah and their lovely father then lived happy ever after.

The End 


This is my wordle related to fractions.

Simple Fractions.

This is our fraction goolge presentation related to Maths.

Science Process.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Room 7 Movie Magic Trailer



What did you like about this term’s unit?
  • Using a camera.  
  • Having the opportunity to edit a movie. Some of us are now confident to edit a movie and are now going to be helping our teacher edit T.P.S News.

  • Working as a group to plan our movies.  
  • This unit helped us build stronger relationships with each other especially when we were working as a group to produce and edit our movies.  
  • Speeches! - doing and preparing a speech helped developed our presenting skills. 
  • We have become confident in sharing our ideas without being shy. 
  • Learning about movie making equipment like the tripod, imove programme, flip cam etc.  
  • Enjoyed learning about the movie making process - brainstorming, planning, script writing, storyboarding, filming, editing, presenting.  
  • Learning about the different effective camera shots.  
  • Everyone in our class was in a movie.
  • Finishing the movie off with a whole school Academy awards. This made us feel very proud of our hardwork! We felt like REAL professional film makers.
  • Our whanau and friends being proud of us - they really appreciated our movies.
  • We have definitely expanded our knowledge about movie making and have developed good movie making skills that we want to share with others. We look forward to continuing our Movie Magic journey and learning more fun ways to extend our movie making skills.

What challenges did you have with this unit? 
  • Waiting for our turn to film because there was only one flip-cam and a tripod.  
  • We had some groups using the same filming location so we had to wait for them to finish filming and sometimes it ment we couldn't film because they were taking too long. For example the staff room, corridor, reading room etc.
  • We couldn’t film sometimes as some students were away and the weather was not too good as well.  
  • Memorising our lines for our scripts. 
What interested you about this unit?
  • The editing process.  
  • Adding sound effects and music to our movies.  
  • Learning how professional film makers make movies and trying to develop their skills throughout the process of our film making experience.  
  • Learning the movie elements helped us to make our movies interesting to watch! 
  • Solution
    How could we improve on this unit next time. 
  •   More flip-cams and tripods.  
  • Have the Imovie programme on our netbooks so that we could edit our movies instead of waiting for a group to finish. 

Monday, 25 June 2012

Speech Evaluation.

How did you feel about presenting your speech to the class?I was first nervous and scared because I thought it will not be interesting.But it seemed like the class  liked it.

What was the hardest part about preparing a speech?Trying to remember my lines.

What did you enjoy most about speeches?I enjoyed the part when I said my speech how I got good feedback from the class.

How could you improve your speech making next time?I think I can improve on finding out more and more interesting facts to make my speech more exciting.

Friday, 1 June 2012

Rubies-Our weekly text review.

The Terrifying Shark Attack.

The Terrifying Shark Attack
One Day there lived a little funny boy called Jack and a little jealous girl called Aireen. Jack had short black hair, brown sparkly brown eyes, tanned skin and a good personality. Aireen on the other hand has long ugly hair, dark black eyes and has a habit of being jealous of other people. Aireen and Jack loved to go fishing where the sharks were, as this was an area in the ocean where people could fish for humungous, delicious fish.
One day Aireen was  jealous of Jack because he was making more friends then her. She started to feel angry. Then Aireen saw the boat and had an idea. Aireen asked Jack if they could go fishing and then Jacks said, “Of course, lets go!”. So Jack said good bye to his friends, got what they needed  for fishing and off they went.
When Jack and Aireen got there, Aireen pushed Jack into the sea. Jack was surprised but Aireen said it was on accident and Jack believed her. Then at that moment his leg started bleeding in the sea as he had scraped it on a sharp rock when he fell in. As soon as his leg started bleeding, a great white shark who was swimming nearby, picked up the scent of Jacks blood. The shark started to swim in the direction of the blood. The shark never gave up on finding Jack because he hadn’t eaten for nearly two months. When the shark saw Jack, and Jack saw the shark, Jack started to swim faster and faster.When Jack got closer to the boat he yelled at Aireen to grab his hand, but Aireen said “No, I have always jealous of you and I have had enough!” “But what do you mean?”, yelled Jack, terrified of what was going to happen. “ I mean you always make good friends and  you are better than me in everything. I just want more friends that all and to be famous like you in school”.
“I can help you make friends you know, being jealous is not the way to go. I never knew that you were jealous of me”  Aireen thought about it for a while and said, “Well you're right, being  jealous is not the way” .So then Jack said “Are we best friends again?”.
“Yeah I guess so, we are friends again!”
“Ok now GRAB MY HAND before this huge shark bites my legs off”!!! Aireen grabbed his hand and then said sorry to him.
Aireen and Jack became the best of friends. Aireen learnt not to be jealous of anyone. Talk about it first, before it becomes a problem.             

Friday, 18 May 2012

Character Description.

Today I read a story about Fast food by Hera Black Taute.This story is a play. We are practicing our presentation skills as this will help us prepare for our movie making project next week.

The character I play in the story is Jade he has brown eyes, black hair and a big nose. I think that he is a lovely boy with a awesome family. Jade’s cousin’s names are Hineroa, Niwhai, Ani and they all live in Rekohu Island.Jade has a cousin in
Christchurch and he is visiting Jade and his name is Te Ua.

I like this character because he has a family that is from the red city, and he has cousins with his family.

Friday, 4 May 2012

Italy Vs New Zealand.

Italy Vs New Zealand.

We watched a movie called Italy vs New Zealand from Panmure Bridge.

People should watch this movie because it has a good message for the audience.This movie has intelligent characters.The characters told their message about good sportsmanship through great acting skills.

This is a wonderful movie that people should watch because no matter if you win or lose but showing respect is what we need.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

The Mystery Treasure.

WALT write a narrative story based on our artwork.

The Mystery Treasure.

One beautiful sunny day there lived two wonderful girls called Harmony and Emma. Harmony was as beautiful as a Cinderella and Emma was as wonderful as an flower. They were like best mates.

One day, they were watching t.v. and this handsome man said,“There is an mystery treasure hunt . The first one who finds it get to keep it “ Harmony and Emma had a great idea to go and enter the mystery treasure hunt. They went to tell their mother before going to enter it.They asked their mother if they were allowed to go and find the mystery treasure hunt. Their mother said,”Yes but only if I drop you off“ she said so we replied, “Sure Mum”. Off they went.They knew they were going to a mysterious forest. Emma was a little scared but Harmony was brave and tough.

When they got out of the car they saw  lots of people and the handsome man  who is on the news on TV. He told them to come and get ready, so they did. The handsome tv man was starting to get the treasure hunt ready. People were starting to line up. He yelled out, “On your marks, get set and GO! They were the first ones to go because they were very fit and smart. They searched everywhere but nothing.They were kind of lost. Harmony was very scared but Emma was more scared than Harmony. Emma tried to be brave but she thought that they were really lost.They were lost because they were surrounded by beautiful blue clear water and amazing tall trees. Emma said, “call mum” so Harmony tried but her phone did not have enough credit. Emma tried as well,but her phone was too far away from her mum.

Later in the day Emma had an idea to jump across the bulky rocks so Emma had a go. She made it, then it was Harmony that needed to jump across the bright warm river.She was so brave and so fast that she jumped , but she almost fell in the warm water. Luckily Emma caught her hand and pulled her towards her. After they jumped across the magic rock Emma saw a golden box she said ”that’s the mystery treasure yeah” They ran fast as they could with happiness. When they found their way out they ran to the handsome tv man and said, “We found the mystery treasure yeah!”.

The handsome man called everyone to come back by blowing his special and interesting whistle. When people heard the loud whistle they knew that someone had won or found the golden mystery treasure so then they ran to see who won it. When the people came they saw the two beautiful girls holding it. Some  people were jealous but they were all happy. Later when it was time to go, Emma called her mother to come and pick them up. Their mother came and asked,”Did you win it?”. We both said,”Yep we did!” They went home both exhausted but really happy that they had and they both looked at the new golden treasure.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

All About Me

Malo e lelei my name is Malia . I am 10 years old. I was born in Tonga in 2002. I have short black hair. I have a wonderful smile and beautiful, tan skin. My eyes are hazel brown just like autumn leaves falling on the ground. 

I have three brothers. Two of my brothers come to Tamaki Primary School with me. Their names are Falakiko and Tevita.I have a baby brother called Opeti Si. He is so cute like me. I am the only girl in my family. I live with my handsome brothers, my lovely parents and my wonderful Aunty . 
I am Tongan and I am so proud of my culture. When I think about my culture I think of the coconut trees, island food, the clothes and the traditional cultural dances.I really love my culture I  because it identifies who I am and what I believe.  
I enjoy playing sports like netball. I also like cooking,dancing, singing, helping and making sure that my friends and family are happy. I like going on the computer so I am looking forward to receiving my Netbook and using it during learning time. Maths, Topic and P.E are also my favourite subjects at school. 
I have got 4 best friends. Their names are Mopoa Leigh-Amber and Charday also Mehi.They mean a lot to me because if I am upset they cheer me up. When I am stuck on my work they sometimes come and help me.I wish they were my sisters because I fully trust them and they make me feel special.  
When I grow up I want to be a model and a singer. I want to be able to help people through music and beauty. I also want to be a teacher because I am interested in learning new things.